CALL FOR PAPERS: Human Nature: Scientific, Theological, and Philosophical Perspectives

Human Nature: Scientific, Theological, and Philosophical Perspectives


Deadline for Submission: 1 January 2025

Date of Conference: March 14-15, 2025

Location of Conference: The Angelicum, Rome

Language: English 

Aims of the Conference

Human Nature is a familiar notion in common conversation and a core idea in Christian theology and in many strands of philosophical conversation, but what role does or should it play in the sciences? Reflection upon the relation of humanity to the rest of the created order, but also its distinctiveness, are a key part of Christian self-reflection, especially in light of the Incarnation and the claim that God has taken on that very human nature. Philosophical reflection about human nature often aims to either accentuate and clarify or diminish and negate apparently distinguishing features or activities of human persons. While human beings are clearly the subject of much scientific research, what place do ideas like human nature and human uniqueness play in the practice of that science and the internal discussions of those scientists?

In this conference we will consider the role of the idea of human nature and human uniqueness from the perspective of contemporary theology, philosophy, and modern science. Drawing on the insights of an international and interdisciplinary collection of scholars, we will discuss particular areas of theological and philosophical reflection on human nature and human uniqueness, as well as the state of scientific research and discourse around such notions.

Paper Requirements

Recent doctoral scholars and graduate students are invited to submit proposals (no longer than 300 words) for a short paper addressing topics discussed at the conference, as well as other issues in the dialogue between science and religion. Please include a short academic biographical note (50-150 words) in the submission that lists any degrees and the institutions where they were obtained, as well as your current affiliation. All submissions should be emailed by 1 January 2025 in order to be considered. Preference will be given to applicants who are willing to present in Rome.

More Info here.

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